
Driver ED Australia

What’s the Problem?

Instructional driver training, simulation and advertising crash risks has been shown in global research to be an ineffective education model that in many cases increases crash rates with little to no educational transfer since 1956.

Is there a solution? “YES”

School and Community based school driver education programs delivered in a

  • Graduated Education System delivery model.
  • Australia’s most effective research driven, evidence based pedagogically aligned curriculum.
  • Delivered in a coaching methodology tailored to learning styles
  • Measuring success against performance based outcomes.

Who is idrivesafety ? why are is their education system successful?

idrivesafety changed the paradigm in driver education. Researching driver training globally over 7 years², developing an effective, comprehensive and effective driver training praxis. We use pedagogical educational processes, not telling and Adverstising. measuring effectiveness against performance based outcomes and finally ZERO crash rates post licence.

The completed praxis was released to market on may the 8th 2013. The results have been nothing short of impressive and life saving.  The gap between theory and steering wheel has been Bridged!.

Changing the paradigm,

  • Standardised structured training program
  • Australia’s most comprehensive Driver Training Curriculum
  • Developed in a pedagogical & andragogical framework,
  • active participation & client driven
  • Competency Based Training & Education. CBET
  • Delivery tailored to clients learning style (homogenised delivery is not effective when delivering direct to a variety of personality styles),introvert-extrovert. Aspergers-austism. artist-engineer. anxiety-risk taker are all just a learning style
  • a disability is not disabler, ineffective delivery method is and is easy when its one on one.
  • Tailoring environments to needs using graduation education system GES,
  • Delivered utilising coaching methodologies, same outcome different delivery methodology
  • 30X 1 hour sessions . including 5 initial sessions with parental/supervising driver assistance and training followed by 24 sessions over 2 years. (this can be delivered over shorter time frames)
    • 1 hour per month?
  • a safe process for every road user interaction
  • 52 modules, every road user interaction and process
  • Elearning live and dynamic video catalougue for Supervising drivers, parents and learning drivers
  • Comprehensive parental/supervising driver  training and assistance programs
  • Contained in an educationally aligned handbook 70pages,

Australia’s most qualified Driving coaches:(Accredited by: idrivesafety)

  • trained to identify learning styles, select appropriate environments and calibrate effectiveness against an action, if your not learning its our fault³ we will change the delivery methodology to match your learning style
  • training comprising 2 months full time and then ongoing for 2 years, monthly with additional support on call, before final graduation (aligned with a diploma qualification)
  • tailoring coaching  methodologies to suit each clients learning style,
  • matching environments  to needs
  • Referencing Australia’s most advanced and effective driver training curriculum.
  • Ability to identify & select appropriate training methodology: Anxious, introvert, Artist/science, High achievers.  Risk taker, Extrovert , Engineers, Aspergers, cp, Brain acquired injuries, downs syndrome and all learning types.
    • the journey may change, but the outcome remains constant. #drivesafety2. vision zero

      Learn’t is not learned, until it produces an Action!


What do we do differently?

We provide educationally effective Learner Driver training programs to Schools, their students and parents/supervising drivers taking a comprehensive and fundamentally different approach. We have had a paradigm shift in the way we train drivers to remain crash free. Our training significantly reduces the risks for p plate drivers.

What Can your school do to save teen lives?

Every High School in Australia, whose student’s road safety, is an integral part of its wellbeing policy. We actively encourage parents to be part of the team as the major provider of driver practice time. Let’s work together to #drivesafety2 .Why do Learner Drivers and their Supervising drivers use our services- Learner drivers trained by our educational syllabus have significantly lower crash risk⁶ and we all want crash/injury free P Platers. It is not only achievable but should be expected. To achieve this we use a significantly different approach than driving instructors have used for the previous 50 years ( The same tell them how to pass a test whilst driving repeatedly around test routes combined with off road training programs in circuits is  till used to day)our aim is to pass on knowledge that produces an action, that when automated can be reproduced in all live and dynamic environments as an active safe process. Driving Instruction does not and will not achieve a safe outcome as proven by the over representation of new drivers in road trauma statistics who have received they training.
Our training is effective for all Novice Drivers irrespective of their learning style, age, demographic, sex, history,

What makes us different?
We are educated for 2.5 years in effective driver training using a coaching methodology and delivered in clients learning style referencing the Australia’s most significantly effective  driver training Curriculum© as the syllabus. We will deliver knowledge of a safe and comprehensive process, then allowing time in tailored environment’s to practice until the process forms a solid foundation that when Automated allows safe interaction with other road users all day, every day, everywhere. We change our delivery, not your learning style!

If you would like to discuss your schools road safety education program we would like the opportunity to partner with you. Please contact admin on the channels detailed below to discuss your decision to

1800 956 999

Now, you have a significantly different choice! education or instruction #drivesafety

Drivers training delivered in off road courses has been shown by research to potentially increase the risk³ we do not train in race tracks or of road circuits. Our aim is Vision zero
For number referencing see web site, research tab
