
learner drivers Platinum Package options,

World leading driver education delivered by award wining coaches, 5 star curriculum.

Imaging the peace of mind knowing they drivesafety even when others don’t, in fact they will notice their friends who have not received this training and offer to drive,  not be a passenger in crash risk drivers car and “choose life”.

research driven 5 star driver education programs delivered in a graduated education system. 7 years global research

  • 30 hours delivered by Australia’s most effective coaches for learner drivers. (Pay per month)
    • 5 initial get them started then monthly for learner period or as required
    • 1 session per month training all road user interactions.
    • Comprehensive support for parents to know what and where to practice.
    • Melbourne Trams & hook turns
    • High Risk Country roads and Freeway training
    • Night driving
    • Lane Changing
    • Traffic lights
    • Roundabouts
    • Cross roads 
    • All Parking systems
    • module 39 manage traffic flow
    • manage tailgaters and agressive drivers.
    • anxiety reducing training systems
    • Unlimited Backup & Support
  • 120 hours complete care, every unit of competency from our award winning curriculum. (Pay per month)
    • Australia’s most advance and effective curriculum.
    • 3 Foundations
    • 17 core subjects
    • 52 modules every road user interaction.
      • 892 units of Competency Based Education & Training CBET
    • elearning courses. access to 100s of  training videos
    • Defensive driving course (included)
    • Night, country roads, City, high traffic, a safe manageable process for every road interaction.
    • Anxiety is just learning style our coaches will manage the with competency as the outcome.

Research shows parents have not received educational support to teach driversEd and should not be expected to do this life changing process without a comprehensive curriculum, coaching training, learning style methodologies, dual controls and time to train each process, we don’t ask parents to teach any other year 10-12 subject. Research driven 5 star driver education programs delivered in a graduated education system. 7 years global research

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