
Occupational Therapist @idrivesafety

Welcome Mr Geoff Briggs to idrivesafety team, idrivesafety only team up with the very best! The difference is life changing for every senior, disabled and every other driver group idrivesafety assist to get their licence. Geoff has noted…

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have engineers proven they cannot train drivers

Since 1956 engineers have managed driver training and testing ? @vicroads and all other roads boards across australia, New Zealand, England and USA. The road safety results are the same globally high crash rates after being trained by…

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New driving coach

Idrivesafety welcome “Robyn Winter” Another highly qualified driving coach trained by idrivesafety. Delivering Australia’s only 5 star driver coaching programs that are most importantly “Reducing the road toll” and above all empowering learners! 5 star driver coaching programs…

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