
Research, Docs

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Specialised Driver Coaching. Occupational Therapist. Drive assessment. licence Testing*

improved daily living skills 15_046_0129_1_3 Specialised Driver Training
improved daily living skills 15_048_0128_1_3 Individual Assessment, Therapy And/Or Training (Includes Assistive Technology)
improved daily living skills 15_052_0128_1_3 Therapy Assistants (Level 1)
improved daily living skills. 15_056_0128_1_3. Assessment, recomendedation, Therapy &/or Training (incl AT) other therapy. occupational therapist
Mr Craig Waters & team delivers highly successful rehabilitation driver coaching for TAC clients Fleet driver training client Fleet client. Colac area nursing
in home service providers
Driver coaching provider. 5 star driver education program
Driving beyond the Disability
Australis only driver coaching solution that is reducing the road toll Platinum Client. servicing all BCYF clients from learner to licence with idrivesafety graduated 5 star driver education program. Mr Craig Waters & Dr Ray Shuey lead developers in road smart coaching program

Research & References

  • Research papers that were used in the developement or the 5 star driver education programs*.
  • See documents at base for complaints
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