Idrivesafety eLearning #learnerpermit and #hazardperceptiontest training programs continuing to have the most amazing success.

  • empowering those who can not read to succeed beyond the disability
  • empowering personal growth
  • transferring learning from computer to steering wheel

We love what we do

do not blame humans for not being able to learn when it actually the teaching method that is at fault.



5 Star Driver Education Programs: Learner Permit courses, Learner Drivers, Disabilities (NDIS, TAC, Vic Roads provider), Seniors. Defensive, Fleet & Rehab courses. ✔️Pedagogically aligned curriculum 862 developed globally. 862units of CBET ✔️Delivered by Australia's highest trained driving coaches. ✔️Graduated Education System (GES) ✔️Guaranteed to significantly increase an ability to drivesafety & ✔️reduce crash/injury risks in all driving groups.